CHARITAS – AAC is the ASG-compatible AAC IT System.
We have fulfilled the prevailing mandatory requirements under ASG-compatible AAC IT System Qualification Framework, in terms of:
- Functional Requirements
- Integration Requirements
- Cybersecurity
- AAC IT System Data Portability
CHARITAS – AAC is integral to our CHARITAS Charity Management System, designed to manage donors, volunteers, and memberships effectively. We aim to provide non-profit organizations with a comprehensive system that streamlines their daily operations, enhances member engagement, and simplifies the reporting process.
Contact us to arrange for a demo.
- Easy onboarding of Clients thru Client registration form
- Client portal for easy client self service
- Easy registration of AAP through calendar view
- 360-degree Client profile with summary and full information for easy reference
- Comprehensive filtering capabilities for targeted communications with Clients via Email, SMS, WhatsApp
- (Add-on) Mobile App for Clients to simplify attendance taking, signing up for AAP and push notifications

- KPI tracking features to assist AACs in meeting their KPI requirements (Dashboards, Reports, Reminders)
- Designed for administrator & staff efficiency (e.g. bulk upload functionality)
- Support multiple attendance taking options via QR Code scanning / Kiosk / Mobile App Scan
- Automatic compatibility evaluation & alert based on clients’ CFS vs AAP requirements
- Automated notifications/reminders (e.g. Reminder to attend AAP)

Customisable dashboard powered by Power BI
Report writer that allows users to generate the report in Excel format for analysis
Customisable homepage that allows users to view information relevant to their work

1. Platform Agnostic
CHARITAS application is platform agnostic. All users have the choice of deploying CHARITAS on; Any Cloud platforms (AWS, AZURE), On-Premise, or host by us.
2. Device Agnostic
CHARITAS system is agnostic to integration with any hardware or medical devices.
3. Seamless Deployment for CHARITAS DVMS Client
CHARITAS AAC system can be deployed seamlessly for existing CHARITAS Donor and Volunteer Management Systems, and Vice Versa.
4. Not a SAAS Platform
5. Scalable & Responsive
Capable of multiple simultaneous attendance taking
6. Designed for Change and Growth
Easily adapt to data gathering requirements
7. User friendly on Mobile and Desktop Web
Talk to us today !
If you are looking into having regular modules or if you have any specific requirements, let us know by dropping us an email and we will be in contact with you.